Welcome to Volkstanz on the Web
Deutsche Version
Here you will find everything concerning Volkstanz (German and related folk-dance). As there are
no big companies involved in Volkstanz (and its worldwide propagation), but small clubs and simply
individuals, this site will merely link to a bunch of interesting sites at the moment.
In the near future more information and service may be found here.
Volkstanz. features:
- Interactivity in Volkstanz and traditions: Links, dates, chat, contacts, and more.
- Volkstanz and more in Baden-Württemberg, southwestern Germany.
Folk-dance Groups
- SAV Volkstanz Neckartailfingen
- Stuttgarter Spielkreis
Articles about folk-dance
- Polka <=> Schottisch by Hans-Jörg Brenner (in German)
A try to find the difference between the two
Volkstanz. furthermore recommends the following sites: